Producers and Consumers of Food

Concept Explanation

Producers and Consumers of Food

The biotic components of the environment can be divided into four categories. Two of them are :

Producers: We know that green plants make their own food from carbon dioxide and water, using the energy of sunlight. This process of making food is called photosynthesis. Organisms that can make their own food are called producers. They are also called autotrophs ‘auto’ meaning self and ‘troph’ meaning food.

Consumers: Some organisms depend directly or indirectly on the food prepared by plants. They are called consumers or heterotrophs. All animals, including human beings are consumer.

  •  Primary consumers or  Herbivores, such as cows, deer and goats are animals that eat plants. They get their food directly from plants.
  •  Secondary consumers or  Carnivores, such as tigers and wolves eat other animals. They, thus, get their food indirectly from plants. 
  • Tertiary consumers or top consumers : Large animals, like lions, tigers and leopards, that eat secondary consumers are tertiary consumers or top carnivores. They are not eaten or killed by other organisms.
  • Omnivores, such as humans, bears and crows consume both plants and animals. These can occur in the category of secondary and tertiary consumers.

    Sample Questions
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